Please note that during the period from 22 Dec. 2023 until 02 Jan. 2024 you may not be able to contact us by telephone to the usual extent. We kindly ask you to send us orders, inquiries and other requests by e-mail during this period.
Approval test process for APM-2 according to EN 16450 completed
In 2021, the Air Pollution Monitor APM-2 has been tested according to EN 16450:2017 by TUV Rheinland. The required compliance tests have been successfully passed for the ambient temperature range from -15 °C to +40 °C. The certification committee has evaluated the test report positively and recommended an announcement in […]

APM-2 receives MCERTS certification
In March 2021, the suitability of APM-2 for continuous ambient air quality monitoring for the fractions PM10 and PM2.5 both in the measuring range 0 to 1,000 μg/m³ according to the MCERTS Performance Standards has been confirmed. You can download the full version of the certificate here.

PNS 18T-DM: Market approval in France
On May, 13, 2020, the Laboratoire Central de Surveillance de la Qualité de l’Air (LCSQA) attested the conformity of our sampling system PNS 18T-DM for the gravimetric method for determination of concentrations of airborne suspended particulate matter of the fractions PM10 and PM2.5 as well as measurement of the mass […]

European Aerosol Conference 2019 in Gothenburg
Comde-Derenda GmbH takes part in the European Aerosol Conference again this year. The conference will take place from 25th to 30th August 2019 in Gothenburg on the exhibition site. Thematically, the biggest European exhibition covers many areas, for example combustion aerosols, chemistry and physics of aerosols, health aspects, indoor and […]
Our partner Orion provides APM-2 devices to monitor emissions of particulate matter during the blasting of the Morandi bridge in Genoa
On Friday 28/06/2019, the remains of the Morandi bridge which collapsed last year in August have been blasted. Many water cannons were on the job to lower the massive dust formation. Our partner Orion was entrusted to provide online devices to monitor and record emissions of particulate matter during and […]
Pilot measurement comparisons for determination of the PM1 concentration for the “Blue Sky” campaign of the China National Environmental Monitoring Center successfully completed with participation of Comde-Derenda Wuxi
Comde-Derenda Wuxi has been tasked to carry out comparison measurements of PM1 concentration for the “Blue Sky” campaign of the China National Environmental Monitoring Center (CNEMC). By means of those measurements, basic data for the development of PM1 standards and limit values is retrieved. At the same time, data concerning […]
Comde-Derenda Wuxi wins tender for an important project of China National Environmental Monitoring Center (CNEMC)
Comde-Derenda (Wuxi) Measuring Technologies Ltd., hereafter mentioned as Derenda, has won significant package of the Tender published by CNEMC (China National Environmental Monitoring Center) in National Environmental and Air Monitoring Network: Municipal Air Automatic Monitoring Station Operation and Protection Project. This will entitle Derenda to inspect and examine Measurement of […]
Concentration of fine particulate matter: Fraunhofer-Institut uses APM-2 for measurements
In the context of news concerning the diesel affair, the German TV channel ARD reported in a television broadcast called „Das Diesel-Desaster“. Within this report, Prof. Matthias Klingner and his team of Fraunhofer-Institut measured the concentration of fine particulate matter at Neckartor in Stuttgart using the APM-2. You can find […]
Sound Pressure Tests according to EN ISO 3744:2010
Our environmental monitoring devices LVS, APM-2 und PNS 18T-DM were successfully tested by TÜV SÜD Industrie Service GmbH regarding their sound emissions according to EN ISO 3744:2010. The test results showed that all tested devices emit low levels of noise during operation. See the datasheets of the individual devices for […]
Snow Tip for our White Canes
With the beginning of winter we included a new white cane tip in our product range. The tip SD-S80schnee in bright organge is optimized for the usage in snowy territories. Equipped with a rigid M8 thread it is compatible to all our canes and can be moved on the snow […]